25Sep 2018 by valery

Fall Of The Divine – Hell’s Crows’ New Video
September 25th 2018 is the release date of “Fall Of The Divine”, the new Hell’s Crows video taken from their first album “Hell’s Crows” released on March 31st 2017 on Valery Recordslabel (www.valeryrecords.com), distributed by Audioglobe www.audioglobe.it/disk.php?code=8032642781605 and the best digital wordlwide stores.
HELL’S CROWS, the Italian melodic-heavy metal band, in collaboration with CROWN METALBooking Agency (www.crownmetal.it) have been involved in the last year and a half around Italy in the promotion of their last studio work, often dividing the stage with colleagues of national and European fame such as PINO SCOTTO, SKW, NECRODEATH, TRICK OR TREAT, SKELETOON, SICK N ‘BEAUTIFUL, SOUNDSTORM, EAGLEHEART, STARSICK SYSTEM, SAWTHIS and many others.
The band will present the release of the video on September 29th at the Arci Tom in Mantova (MN) playing support to Edu Falaschi (former Angra Vocalist) and Arthemis. For more details about the event:
The video was directed by Studio Close Up (www.studiocloseup.it) and produced by Studio Close Up (www.studiocloseup.it) and Randy Rush.
Camera Operators: Roberto Balestrini and Fabio Pergolesi (Drone)
The press / promotional office is overseen by the V-PROMOTION Agency (www.v-promotion.com).